Yes, I'm talking about my breast pump. I carried one bag in to work with me today--just my purse--and only a woman who has spent a chunk of every day for the past year expressing breast milk can understand what a big deal that is. The Hubs, my friends, my coworkers ... they've all (lovingly, of course) referred to me as the bag lady for the past months. I've been in constant tow of my breast pump bag (filled with several empty milk bottles, all of the pump parts, pump cleaning wipes and of course my trusty PumpEase band) and a cooler bag (filled with my lunch and ice packs in the morning and breast milk and ice packs in the afternoon) ever since I've returned to work when the Boy was 10 weeks old.
I have pretty strong opinions about breastfeeding. So strong that I frequently piss folks off when expressing them, but since this is MY blog, I feel no need to hold back. La Leche League, feel free to look me up. All the time you hear that breastfeeding is a choice, blah, blah, blah. Well, I feel that having a baby is a choice. I didn't get pregnant until I was ready for a child. My mom taught me all about the birds and the bees, and I took precautions to keep myself not in a child way until the Hubs and I made the decision we wanted to change that. It's really not that hard people! So in my opinion, the choice to be made is whether or not to have a child ... once you make that choice, breastfeeding is a responsibility. I know ... there are lots of you out there gasping, choking on your coffee and doughnut because you're so angry about what I just said. But again, this is MY blog.
Back in the summer, there was a big media controversy because famous supermodel (and new mom) Gisele Bundchen made some comments to Harper's Bazaar UK about her thinking that breastfeeding should be a worldwide law for the first six months of a baby's life. Oh the uproar! I went to Gisele's blog and left a comment of support noting my belief that having a baby is the choice, and that breastfeeding that baby is a mother's responsibility. Needless to say, my comment was apparently a little too unpolitically correct and it was deleted by the blog moderators. I guess they don't have the same beliefs of not holding back in one's personal blog...
Breastfeeding is hard work. It takes time and an intense commitment. But the benefits are many for baby and mom. I understand there are a few situations out there where it is not the right choice (ex. mother has AIDS), but other than those very few instances, I truly believe that it is a mother's duty to commit herself to working at it until she is successful. I believe most moms give up too quickly. I am proud to say that I put in the hard work and gave the Boy the best start possible. I will definitely miss that sweet bonding time we have when he strokes my face, hair and neck while he nurses, but it will be nice to not have to worry about pumping (and dumping) when the Hubs and I have scored a babysitter and get home late at night after a few (sometimes a few too many) drinks. Two days until the Boy's first birthday, and then cow's milk, here we come!
But what am I going to do with this newly found freezer space now that it's not filled with a back stock of "liquid gold?"
Cheesy Ground Beef and Rice Casserole
1 day ago
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