Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome to my (busy) life

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a long time. It's a necessity really. I have a lot to say, and the Hubs doesn't want to hear it all. I like to talk--most of my stories tend to be long--and I like to make plans. A lot of what I have to say is filling those involved in on my plans for us, reminding of those plans, and then reflecting on those plans after they happen. (You've got to reflect, right?) It's all that talking about plans that led to the title of this blog.

A regularly occurring conversation between me and the Hubs:
HIM: What are the plans for Sunday?
ME: No plans.
HIM: Really?
ME: I was sort of keeping it open just to have one day to relax.
HIM: Geez! You have to PLAN for time to not have plans. That's ridiculous!

Yes, I DO schedule time to NOT have plans. And I'm okay with that. If I didn't, I would NEVER have down time. I am a busy lady. I have my Blackberry, which is linked to my work Outlook calendar, and I schedule pretty much everything in my life (and everything for the Hubs and my son, "the Boy") on that Outlook calendar.

The way I operate--making plans for everything--has taken some getting used to for certain folks in my life. The Hubs is mostly understanding by this point. He typically just goes with the flow and assumes that I've got everything taken care of. My sister-in-law now knows that she needs to make plans with us ahead of time, and she's not at all taken aback that the first availability to get-together might be two weeks away. My father-in-law is learning...after an incident of peeking in our bedroom window at us because "the house seemed dark" during a (pre-baby) Sunday afternoon "nap" during which we were NOT fully clothed, he normally calls before dropping by. And my mom has always gotten it because she's the same way. I've already got her next TWO trips to Nashville (she lives in North Carolina) scheduled on my trusty Outlook calendar, and I've started planning the fun things we'll do when she's here.

While all of my planning and talking may initially be overwhelming to many folks, it does have some perks. I'm never out of the house without enough diapers/snacks/clothes/etc. for the Boy. I'm pretty much always on time. I don't bail on things I've said I'll do, and I don't double book myself. I make big, yummy dinners. Oh, and I'm great at planning parties (including being the best jello shot maker that you'll find)!

One of my past party "spreads"

And the almost-famous jello shots!

So, welcome to my blog. I hope you'll enjoy being a part of my BUSY (but well-planned) life. And by the way, with upcoming Thanksgiving celebrations, Vanderbilt football games, friends and family coming to town for visits, the Boy's first birthday party, Christmas shopping and celebrations, a Michigan trip, friends' New Year's Day wedding, our fifth wedding anniversary, both my sisters' and my dad's birthdays, MY birthday, Valentine's Day and everything else I've got planned, I am now making plans for MARCH 2011. So get in your requests!  :)

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