- We celebrated my birthday on February 12. It was perfect ... great friends, good food and just a laid back time. Wouldn't go back and change a thing even if I had the chance!
- Grandpa Skalski (my dad) came down from Michigan to visit. Not only did he get some one-on-one time with the Boy, but he also put his handyman skills to good use and did some "around the house" projects. Definitely appreciate him making the trip!
The Boy with Grandpa
- Tennessee has had some crazy snow this year. Not like up-north-crazy-snow, but for Tennessee, it was a year for the books.
During one of the crazy snows, it took me two and a half hours to go the four blocks to pick the Boy up from school and get back to my office due to gridlocked traffic. Here's looking one direction down West End Avenue in front of my office building.
This is looking the other direction. Needless to say, the Boy and I walked to get some dinner in the snow (Qdoba, of course!) then went back to my office to pass the time while we waited for traffic to clear.
Traffic didn't clear until after 9 p.m., so the Boy slept on my office floor for a bit. He doesn't do well staying up past his normal bedtime!
- The Boy is growing up too fast. No explanation needed there.
- The Boy and I have started a Saturday morning blueberry pancake tradition. It's lots of fun, and recently, the Boy has started standing on a chair at the counter, supervising while I cook. You're invited to join us any Saturday you'd like ... breakfast is at 6:30 a.m. sharp!
- Until a little over a month ago, I was able to feed the Boy his nightly Yo Baby yogurt. He fed himself everything else, but he allowed me to shovel in the yogurt. Well, that came to an abrupt stop. He does it himself now, sometimes more successfully than others.
A less successful attempt...
...and a more (sort of) successful attempt.
- Being the planner that I am, I make sure to fill our weekends with lots of fun activities, and one of the Boy's favorite things is outside time. Rain or shine, cold or warm, we tend to fit something outside in every weekend.
The Boy's first time feeding duckies
Got to follow duckie feeding with some playground time
Love his sliding style!
- I need a new computer. It's so frustrating sitting at the computer desk, waiting on things to work. Not happening anytime soon though...
- My step-dad was laid off at work, but he and Mother are doing okay for now. There's never been a more realistic chance of them moving to Nashville than there currently is. FINGERS CROSSED!
- I love the Boy's teachers as much as I love his school. I love that I get tagged in Facebook pictures showing what he's up to throughout the day. Nothing else can give a mid-workday smile like that can! Not only are they extremely loving and compassionate towards the Boy, but they care about their parents, too, which in my opinion is going above and beyond! Here are some of the recent ones:
- It's March Madness. With the way things have played out this year, surely your bracket is as busted as mine is. Yep, I had Ohio State going all the day. DARN KENTUCKY!
- The Hubs and I have separated.
- The Boy and I have gotten back into the swing of going to church. Around Christmas, taking him to church was a nightmare, and I wasn't sure that I'd give it another go anytime soon. Well, I did, and I was relieved to find that he's now to the age that I can keep him entertained (and mostly quiet) with snacks, toy cars and books. WHEW! (And it definitely gets adoring smiles from everyone around us when he sings/dances/claps along with the music!)
- I love my sweet boy. So, so, so much!
- The Boy has developed a severe case of separation anxiety out of nowhere. :( Well, not completely out of nowhere. It came on around the same time as the changes associated with #12 did.
- I've been excited about spring and the fact that I could get more use out of the Boy's bike trailer. He loves it, and I was ready to put some miles in on my bike! A few weeks ago, my sister-in-law joined us for a bike ride on our local green way. I had no idea how difficult pulling the bike trailer would make even small hills, but we were pushing through it. That is, until two miles out, my PEDAL BROKE OFF MY BIKE! Let's just say that was a LONG walk (pushing my bike with the trailer with a sleeping guy inside attached) back to the car...
- I like this. Would be great if it wasn't so expensive, but it's a step in the right direction. We all know how passionate I am about the whole breastfeeding topic, and I'm especially on board with most of the article's top commenters. I seriously can't get my head around folks thinking that there's anything wrong with it...
- I got to go be a part of the Boy's Saint Patrick's Day party at school, which I loved.
Aren't the pretzel clovers I took for his party cute?
- I recently came out of bartending retirement and worked a Saturday night at Decades. It was fine, and I surprised myself and remembered what to do back there! I'm so appreciative of all of the great friends that stopped in to show their support my first night back. (And yes, it did take me ALL Sunday to recover...)
- The Boy now tries to mimic everything you say, from single words to long sentences. Today he pointed to the TV and shouted "doggie." Sure enough, there was a dog on the commercial. Man, he's growing up too fast!
- Speaking of the Boy shouting at the TV, can I just tell you how freakin' cute it is that he yells letters at the television during Wheel of Fortune! (His favorite letter is "D" but he does change it up sometimes.) He clearly gets that from his daddy...
Going to try to get a video next time, because a photo just doesn't do it justice. :)
- I went bowling for the first time in years last week, and it was fun, even though I'm still really bad! My butt was sore the next day, which made me feel like I got in a mini-workout. I know it's silly, but I seriously can't wait to go again soon!
- I wish I could figure out what's going on with my lawn mower. Got it out for the first cut of the season, and things started off great, but it stopped running when I was only halfway done. Nothing I've tried since then has gotten it started again. BOO!
- I am thankful. I'm thankful for everything in my life. I'm thankful for my friends that are there for me no matter what, for my family that is always willing to listen but only talk when I need them to, for my job and co-workers, for my super sweet boy and all of the joy he brings and for life in general. I know there's no guarantee in life, and I'm thankful for every breath that I get to take.
- Did I mention that the Boy is growing up TOO FAST?
Oh, and I want to hear from you, so leave me comments! Let me know what 25 (or two) things you have to share from over the past few months.